使徒言行録3:1-10 Acts 3:1-10

It was some time after the Day of Pentecost, when God the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus’ disciples in Jerusalem. Peter and John came to worship in the temple in Jerusalem. At the gate of the temple, a beggar who had been lame from birth asked them to give him something. Peter and John looked at the man and said, “Look at us.” Hearing this, the beggar must have thought that he would certainly get something from Peter and John. He probably expected to receive a fairly large sum of money in alms.

However, the words that came out of Peter’s mouth were not at all what this beggar expected. Peter said, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” The words “I have no silver and gold” are very meaningful. Perhaps Peter did not have any money to give at this time. However, Peter did not say, “After the service, I will go back for the money and give you what you need.” Peter saw that what this man, as a human being, really needed was more than money for alms. And in fact, Peter had more than money with him at that time. It was the name of Jesus, whom Peter believed in.

Peter said, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” In Jesus’ name there is power to deliver mankind from sin and death. And to be saved from the power of sin and death was the greatest need of all. The man must have thought, “I was born with a crippled leg, so I will spend the rest of my life begging and eventually die.” And if God had given him such a life, he would not have praised God. But when Peter commanded him to rise up and walk in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the man leapt up, stood up and started walking. Then he praised God and went into the temple. The power of the name of Jesus Christ saved him.

All this man wanted was to receive some alms of money. But what was actually given to him was an unexpected blessing: his legs and feet, which had been crippled from birth, were healed and he was able to walk. The man could not help but praise God for the great power of Jesus’ name because of the unexpected grace he was given. People were astonished to see this man walking around praising God.

Jesus’ name had the power to transform a lame beggar into a man who stood up and praised God. And by praising God, this man also became a witness to the power of Jesus’ name. Let us also believe in the power of Jesus’ name. If we believe in Jesus, the impossible becomes possible.