マタイによる福音書1:18-25 Matthew 1:18-25,

Mary was engaged to Joseph, a descendant of King David in the Old Testament. In other words, she had promised to marry Joseph in the future, but they were not yet married. One day, an angel of God appeared to Mary and told her that she already had a baby in her womb and that it was God’s child. When Mary first heard this news, she could hardly believe it. But in the end, she believed, replying, “Let it be to me according to your word.”

What about Joseph? Joseph was very distressed when he found out that Mary was carrying a baby. According to the strict rules from Old Testament times, it was punishable by death if a woman who was engaged to be married had a child with another man. To prevent this from happening, Joseph thought he had no choice but to cancel his engagement to Mary and quietly break up with her. One night, an angel appeared to Joseph in his dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” The angel says that the baby in Mary’s womb is God’s child, conceived by the power of God’s Holy Spirit. Moreover, he says that the child will be the one who saves those who believe in God from sin. How wonderful! So the angel told Joseph to marry Mary without fear.

What did Joseph do after he woke up from his dream? Did he say, “That’s impossible!” and leave Mary? No. Joseph believed the angel’s prediction and immediately married Mary. Thus, Mary and Joseph lived together while waiting for Jesus to be born. God was with both Mary and Joseph and guided them so that they could marry and become the mother and father of Jesus. Not only that. By Jesus’ birth into the world, God has shown that he is with all those who believe in him. For by believing in Jesus, people are forgiven of their sins and saved from their sins.

Jesus’ coming into the world was the fulfilment of the old prophecy. God had promised through the Old Testament prophet Isaiah that a child would be born who would represent “God is with us.” God has done this through Jesus, who is with those who believe in him and save them. We may be accused and criticised by others, but if we believe in Jesus, we will be saved. But if we believe in Jesus, we are forgiven of all our sins. God is with us and protects us.